Vocabulary of the day
head (der Kopf)
face (das Gesicht)
forehead (die Stirn)
eye (das Auge)
eyebrow (die Augenbraue)
eyelashes (die Wimpern)
the nose (die Nase)
mouth (der Mund)
the lips (die Lippen)
tooth (der Zahn)
the teeth (die Zähne)
tongue (die Zunge)
ear (das Ohr)
neck (der Hals)
shoulder (die Schulter)
arm (der Arm)
elbow (der Ellenbogen)
wrist (das Handgelenk)
the hand (die Hand)
finger (der Finger)
Thumb (der Daumen)
the chest (die Brust)
the belly (der Bauch)
stomach (der Magen)
hip (die Hüfte)
leg (das Bein)
the knee (das Knie)
ankle (der Knöchel)
foot (der Fuß)
toe (die Zehe)