Vocabulary of the day
clothing (die Kleidung)
shirt (das Hemd)
blouse (die Bluse)
the pants (die Hose)
the jeans (die Jeans)
skirt (der Rock)
T-shirt (das T-Shirt)
sweater (der Pullover)
coat (der Mantel)
the jacket (die Jacke)
suit (der Anzug)
the dress (das Kleid)
shoe (der Schuh)
sock (die Socke)
boot (der Stiefel)
underwear (die Unterwäsche)
bra (der BH)
cap or hat (die Mütze)
hat (der Hut)
scarf (der Schal)
the gloves (die Handschuhe)
belt (der Gürtel)
tie (die Krawatte)
swimsuit (der Badeanzug)
swim shorts (die Badeshorts)
Bikini (der Bikini)
pajamas (der Schlafanzug)
tights (die Strumpfhose)
nightgown (das Nachthemd)