Vocabulary of the day
the car (das Auto)
the bus (der Bus)
tram (die Straßenbahn)
the subway (die U-Bahn)
suburban train (die S-Bahn)
The Train (der Zug)
bicycle (das Fahrrad)
motorcycle (das Motorrad)
the ship (das Schiff)
ferry (die Fähre)
airplane (das Flugzeug)
Helicopter (der Hubschrauber)
truck (der Lkw (Lastkraftwagen))
passenger car (der Pkw (Personenkraftwagen))
the stop (die Haltestelle)
train station (der Bahnhof)
airport (der Flughafen)
traffic light (die Ampel)
the road (die Straße)
the footpath (der Fußweg)
the freeway (die Autobahn)
the timetable (der Fahrplan)
the ticket (die Fahrkarte)
Taxi (das Taxi)
the driver (der Fahrer)
the driver (female) (die Fahrerin)
to drive (fahren)
fly (fliegen)
to walk (gehen)
departure (die Abfahrt)
the arrival (die Ankunft)