Vocabulary of the day
the animal (das Tier)
the dog (der Hund)
the cat (die Katze)
bird (der Vogel)
horse (das Pferd)
the cow (die Kuh)
sheep (das Schaf)
the goat (die Ziege)
pig (das Schwein)
the hare (der Hase)
the mouse (die Maus)
duck (die Ente)
fish (der Fisch)
the elephant (der Elefant)
Lion (der Löwe)
tiger (der Tiger)
Bear (der Bär)
snake (die Schlange)
the turtle (die Schildkröte)
frog (der Frosch)
insect (das Insekt)
the bee (die Biene)
butterfly (der Schmetterling)
anteater (der Ameisenbär)
the penguin (der Pinguin)
the giraffe (die Giraffe)
the rhinoceros (das Nashorn)
the monkey (der Affe)
the owl (die Eule)
flamingo (der Flamingo)