Vocabulary of the day
bird (der Vogel)
wing (der Flügel)
plumage (das Gefieder)
beak (der Schnabel)
the feather (die Feder)
tail (der Schwanz)
the cage (der Käfig)
the nest (der Nest)
the egg (das Ei)
chick (das Küken)
to fly (fliegen)
to tweet (zwitschern)
the owl (die Eule)
sparrow (der Spatz)
parrot (der Papagei)
pigeon (die Taube)
the eagle (der Adler)
Seagull (die Möwe)
the duck (die Ente)
Swan (der Schwan)
peacock (der Pfau)
The woodpecker (der Specht)
Stork (der Storch)
the blackbird (die Amsel)
the finch (die Fink)
parakeet (der Sittich)
the crow (die Krähe)
falcon (der Falke)
Cuckoo (der Kuckuck)
the tit (die Meise)