Vocabulary of the day
the insects (die Insekten)
the ant (die Ameise)
the bee (die Biene)
beetle (der Käfer)
butterfly (der Schmetterling)
the fly (die Fliege)
the mosquito (die Mücke)
wasp (die Wespe)
the ladybird (der Marienkäfer)
caterpillar (die Raupe)
grasshopper (die Heuschrecke)
the scorpion (der Skorpion)
the insect (das Insekt)
flea (der Floh)
dragonfly (die Libelle)
tick (die Zecke)
the moth (die Motte)
the spider (die Spinne)
the web (das Netz)
the sting (der Stachel)
wing (der Flügel)
to crawl (krabbeln)
buzzing (summen)
sting (stechen)
fly (fliegen)
insect sting (der Insektenstich)