Vocabulary of the day
the flower (die Blume)
the rose (die Rose)
the tulip (die Tulpe)
sunflower (die Sonnenblume)
Dandelion (der Löwenzahn)
daisy (das Gänseblümchen)
orchid (die Orchidee)
bouquet of flowers (der Blumenstrauß)
the lily (die Lilie)
the daffodil (die Narzisse)
the Petunia (die Petunie)
Peony (die Pfingstrose)
the geranium (die Geranie)
Dahlia (die Dahlie)
the plant (die Pflanze)
leaf (das Blatt)
stem (der Stiel)
bud (die Knospe)
blossom (die Blüte)
to bloom (blühen)
the gardener (der Gärtner)
the garden (der Garten)
flowerbed (das Blumenbeet)
the seed (der Samen)
soil (die Erde)
water (gießen)
vase (die Vase)