lerne Englisch in
90 tagen
Tag 42 - Richtungen und Präpositionen
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
Right (Rechts)
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Left (Links)
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Straight ahead (Geradeaus)
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back (Zurück)
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next to (Neben)
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between (Zwischen)
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across from (Gegenüber von)
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nearby (In der Nähe von)
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Far from (Weit von)
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Before (Vor)
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behind (Hinter)
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Over (Über)
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Under (Unter)
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on (Auf)
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from (An)
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in (In)
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Around the corner (Um die Ecke)
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along the street (Die Straße entlang)
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Up the stairs (Die Treppe hinauf)
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Down the stairs (Die Treppe hinunter)
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North (Norden)
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South (Süden)
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East (Osten)
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West (Westen)
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Turn (Abbiegen)
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intersection (Kreuzung)
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traffic light (Ampel)
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Street (Straße)
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Way (Weg)
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junction (Abzweigung)
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pedestrian zone (Fußgängerzone)
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Dead end (Sackgasse)
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Driveway (Einfahrt)
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Exit (Ausfahrt)
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