lerne Englisch in
90 tagen
Tag 45 - Medizinische Berufe
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Vocabulary of the day
Physician (Arzt)
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Physician (Ärztin)
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Nurse (Krankenschwester)
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Nurse (Krankenpfleger)
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Dentist (Zahnarzt)
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Dentist (female) (Zahnärztin)
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Pharmacist (Apotheker)
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Pharmacist (Apothekerin)
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Surgeon (Chirurg)
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Surgeon (female) (Chirurgin)
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Psychiatrist (Psychiater)
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Psychiatrist (Psychiaterin)
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Physical Therapist (Physiotherapeut)
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Physiotherapist (Physiotherapeutin)
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Midwife (Hebamme)
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Emergency physician (Notarzt)
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Emergency physician (Notärztin)
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Nursing Assistant (Pflegehelfer)
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Nursing assistant (Pflegehelferin)
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Cardiologist (Kardiologe)
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Cardiologist (Kardiologin)
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Dermatologist (Dermatologe)
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Dermatologist (Dermatologin)
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Pediatrician (Pädiater)
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Pediatrician (Pädiaterin)
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Radiologist (Radiologe)
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Radiologist (Radiologin)
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Oncologist (Onkologe)
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Oncologist (Onkologin)
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Neurologist (Neurologe)
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Neurologist (Neurologin)
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Orthopedist (Orthopäde)
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Orthopedist (female) (Orthopädin)
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Anesthesiologist (Anästhesist)
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Anesthetist (Anästhesistin)
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Ophthalmologist (Augenarzt)
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Ophthalmologist (Augenärztin)
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ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) doctor (HNO-Arzt)
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ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Specialist (HNO-Ärztin)
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Gynecologist (Gynäkologe)
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Gynecologist (Gynäkologin)
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Urologist (Urologe)
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Urologist (Urologin)
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Therapist (Therapeut)
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Therapist (Therapeutin)
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Pathologist (Pathologe)
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Pathologist (Pathologin)
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Laboratory Technician (Laborant)
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Laboratory technician (Laborantin)
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Paramedic (Sanitäter)
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Paramedic (Sanitäterin)
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Medical Technical Assistant (Medizinisch-technischer Assistent)
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Medical Technical Assistant (Medizinisch-technische Assistentin)
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