lerne Englisch in
90 tagen
Tag 5 - Monate des Jahres
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
January (Januar)
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February (Februar)
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March (März)
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April (April)
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May (Mai)
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June (Juni)
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July (Juli)
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August (August)
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September (September)
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October (Oktober)
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November (November)
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December (Dezember)
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Month (Monat)
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Year (Jahr)
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Calendar (Kalender)
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Date (Datum)
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The first (der erste)
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second (zweite)
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third (dritte)
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April (vierte)
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Fifth (fünfte)
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sixth (sechste)
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Seventh (siebte)
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August (achte)
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September (neunte)
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tenth (zehnte)
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eleventh (elfte)
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twelfth (zwölfte)
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Beginning of the month (Monatsanfang)
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mid-month (Monatsmitte)
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Month-end (Monatsende)
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Season (Jahreszeit)
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Spring (Frühling)
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Summer (Sommer)
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Autumn (Herbst)
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Winter (Winter)
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Month Name (Monatsname)
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