Vocabulary of the day
the desk (der Schreibtisch)
chair (der Stuhl)
the computer (der Computer)
keyboard (die Tastatur)
the mouse (die Maus)
the monitor (der Bildschirm)
printer (der Drucker)
the paper (das Papier)
ballpoint pen (der Kugelschreiber)
pencil (der Bleistift)
notepad (der Notizblock)
the file (die Akte)
file folder (der Aktenordner)
scissors (die Schere)
stapler (der Tacker)
paper clip (die Büroklammer)
the telephone (das Telefon)
appointment calendar (der Terminkalender)
whiteboard (das Whiteboard)
the marker (der Marker)
eraser (der Radiergummi)
bookshelf (das Bücherregal)
coffee machine (die Kaffeemaschine)
photocopier (der Kopierer)
postage stamp (die Briefmarke)
envelope (der Briefumschlag)
business card (die Visitenkarte)
hole punch (der Locher)
the phone book (das Telefonbuch)
bulletin board (die Pinnwand)
calculator (der Taschenrechner)
fax machine (das Faxgerät)
stapler (die Heftmaschine)
the office (das Büro)
employee (der Mitarbeiter)
the employee (female) (die Mitarbeiterin)
the boss (der Chef)
the boss (female) (die Chefin)
the meeting (die Besprechung)
the meeting (das Meeting)
the presentation (die Präsentation)
the break (die Pause)