lerne Isländisch in
90 tagen
Tag 13 - Emotionen und Gefühle
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Vocabulary of the day
hamingjusamur (glücklich)
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sorgmæddur (traurig)
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reiður (wütend)
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áhyggjufullur (besorgt)
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undrandi (überrascht)
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hræddur (ängstlich)
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léttir (erleichtert)
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vonbrigði (enttäuscht)
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kvíðinn (nervös)
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spenntur/spennt (aufgeregt)
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þreyttur (müde)
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ánægður (for masculine) / ánægð (for feminine) (zufrieden)
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óánægður (if masculine) / óánægð (if feminine or neutral) (unzufrieden)
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ringlaður (verwirrt)
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afbrýðisamur (eifersüchtig)
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stoltur (stolz)
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feiminn (verlegen)
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leiður (gelangweilt)
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hvatinn (motiviert)
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óþolinmóður (genervt)
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