lerne Isländisch in
90 tagen
Tag 18 - Küchenutensilien
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Vocabulary of the day
skeið (der Löffel)
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gaffall (die Gabel)
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hnífur (das Messer)
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diskur (der Teller)
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bollinn (die Tasse)
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glerið (das Glas)
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pönnun (die Pfanne)
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pottur (der Topf)
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Vatnsketill (der Wasserkocher)
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Hráefnisblöndunartæki (der Mixer)
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skál (die Schüssel)
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könnun (die Kanne)
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skurðarbretti (das Schneidebrett)
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bökunarplata (das Backblech)
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ofninn (der Ofen)
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örgnarlögn (die Mikrowelle)
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uppþvottavél (die Spülmaschine)
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ísskápur (der Kühlschrank)
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Sigti (das Sieb)
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rífjárn (die Reibe)
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Dósahnífur (der Dosenöffner)
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Korkatangar (der Korkenzieher)
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Töng (die Zange)
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Svipa (der Schneebesen)
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Eldhúshnífur (das Küchenmesser)
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eldhúsvekt (die Küchenwaage)
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Mælikanna (der Messbecher)
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Hræriskál (die Rührschüssel)
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Kökuhrúga (das Nudelholz)
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Pottahlíf (der Topflappen)
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bakki (die Backform)
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Pönnuspaði (der Pfannenwender)
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hvítlaukspressa (die Knoblauchpresse)
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safapressa (die Saftpresse)
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Eggjaldýtir (der Eierkocher)
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Grænmetisskæri (der Gemüseschäler)
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Brauðtromma (die Brotdose)
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Ferskifilmur (die Frischhaltefolie)
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Álpappír (das Alufolie)
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Eldhúshandklæði (das Küchentuch)
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