lerne Isländisch in
90 tagen
Tag 48 - Ernährung und Diät
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Vocabulary of the day
næring (die Ernährung)
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fæði (die Diät)
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maturinn (das Essen)
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Matvæli (das Lebensmittel)
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grænmeti (das Gemüse)
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ávöxtur (die Frucht)
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ávextirnar (das Obst)
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kjötið (das Fleisch)
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fiskurinn (der Fisch)
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Korn (das Getreide)
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mjólkin (die Milch)
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ostur (der Käse)
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eggjahvítur (die Eier)
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brauð (das Brot)
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Pasta (die Nudeln)
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hrísgrjón (der Reis)
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kartöflurnar (die Kartoffeln)
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vatnið (das Wasser)
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safinn (der Saft)
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smjörið (die Butter)
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olían (das Öl)
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sykur (der Zucker)
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salt (das Salz)
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pipar (der Pfeffer)
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nammisögur (die Süßigkeiten)
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máltíð (die Mahlzeit)
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morgunmatur (das Frühstück)
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hádegismatur (das Mittagessen)
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Kvöldmatur (das Abendessen)
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millimál (der Snack)
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grænmetisæta (vegan)
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grænmetisæta (vegetarisch)
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líffræði (bio)
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hitaeining (die Kalorie)
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heilbrigður (gesund)
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óhollt (ungesund)
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næringarríkur (nahrhaft)
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vítamín (das Vitamin)
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steinefni (das Mineral)
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trefjar (die Faser)
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prótein (das Protein)
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kolvetni (der Kohlenhydrat)
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fita (das Fett)
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