lerne Isländisch in
90 tagen
Tag 61 - Feiertage und Feierlichkeiten
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Vocabulary of the day
Frídagar (Feiertag)
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Hátíð (Fest)
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Afmæli (Geburtstag)
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Jól (Weihnachten)
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Páskar (Ostern)
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Nýár (Neujahr)
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Gamlársdagur (Silvester)
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Karnival (Karneval)
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Sprengidagur (Fasching)
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Valentínusardagur (Valentinstag)
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Mæðradagur (Muttertag)
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Feðradagur (Vatertag)
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Verkamannadagurinn (Tag der Arbeit)
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Þakkargjörðarhátíð (Erntedankfest)
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Hrekkjavaka (Halloween)
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Áramótaskvöld (Sylvester)
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Þjóðhátíðardagur (Nationalfeiertag)
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Afmæli (Jubiläum)
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Flugeldasýning (Feuerwerk)
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Gjöf (Geschenk)
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Boðskort (Einladung)
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Heiður (Tradition)
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Menning (Kultur)
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Athöfn (Zeremonie)
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Skútur (Parade)
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Dans (Tanz)
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Skreyting (Dekoration)
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Fjölskylda (Familie)
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Vinir (Freunde)
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Kertaljós (Kerzen)
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Búningur (Kostüm)
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Hátíðarhalda (Feiern)
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Til hamingju (Glückwünsche)
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Kveðjukort (Grußkarte)
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Hátíðarkveðja (Feiertagsgruß)
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Frí (Urlaub)
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Hvíldartími (Ruhezeit)
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Árstíð (Jahreszeit)
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