lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 22 - Tägliche Routinen
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
levantar-se (aufstehen)
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lavar (waschen)
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tomar banho (duschen)
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vestir (anziehen)
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tomar café da manhã (frühstücken)
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trabalhar (arbeiten)
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aprender (lernen)
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pausa (pause)
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comer (essen)
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beber (trinken)
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Jantar (abendessen)
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descansar (ausruhen)
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ler (lesen)
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dormir (schlafen)
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limpar (putzen)
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fazer compras (einkaufen)
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cozinhar (kochen)
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encontrar (treffen)
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assistir televisão (fernsehen)
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praticar esporte (sport treiben)
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ir para casa (nach Hause gehen)
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Ir para a escola (zur Schule gehen)
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ir para o trabalho (zum Arbeit gehen)
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escovar os dentes (zähneputzen)
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maquiar (schminken)
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barbear (rasieren)
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ir para a universidade (zur Uni gehen)
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acordar as crianças (die Kinder wecken)
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Passear com o cachorro (den Hund ausführen)
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regar as plantas (die Pflanzen gießen)
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