lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 36 - Orte in der Stadt und im Dorf
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Vocabulary of the day
a cidade (die Stadt)
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a aldeia (das Dorf)
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a prefeitura (das Rathaus)
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a igreja (die Kirche)
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a estação ferroviária (der Bahnhof)
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a praça do mercado (der Marktplatz)
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a rua (die Straße)
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a praça (der Platz)
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a biblioteca (die Bibliothek)
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a loja (das Geschäft)
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o supermercado (der Supermarkt)
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a padaria (die Bäckerei)
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a açougue (die Metzgerei)
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o parque (der Park)
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o museu (das Museum)
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a escola (die Schule)
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o hospital (das Krankenhaus)
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a farmácia (die Apotheke)
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o cinema (das Kino)
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o teatro (das Theater)
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o restaurante (das Restaurant)
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o café (das Café)
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o banco (die Bank)
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o correio (die Post)
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o hotel (das Hotel)
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a delegacia de polícia (die Polizeiwache)
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a universidade (die Universität)
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a piscina (das Schwimmbad)
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o zoológico (der Zoo)
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o parquinho (der Spielplatz)
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a academia de ginástica (das Fitnessstudio)
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Salão de cabeleireiro (der Friseursalon)
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