lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 38 - Schule und Bildung
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Vocabulary of the day
Escola (Schule)
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Educação (Bildung)
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Professor (Lehrer)
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Aluno (Schüler)
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Turma (Klasse)
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Sala de aula (Klassenzimmer)
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Tarefas de casa (Hausaufgaben)
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Estudar (Studieren)
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Aprender (Lernen)
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Aula (Unterricht)
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Lápis (Stift)
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Livro (Buch)
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Caderno (Heft)
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Quadro negro (Tafel)
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Carteira escolar (Schreibtisch)
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Prova (Prüfung)
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Nota (Note)
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Pausa (Pause)
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Disciplina (Fach)
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Universidade (Universität)
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Vestibular (Abitur)
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Ginásio (Gymnasium)
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Escola primária (Grundschule)
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Estudo (Studium)
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Currículo escolar (Lehrplan)
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Livro didático (Schulbuch)
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Mochila (Rucksack)
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Ônibus escolar (Schulbus)
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Material didático (Lehrmaterial)
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Curso (Kurs)
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Palestra (Vortrag)
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Seminário (Seminar)
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Professor (Dozent)
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Bolsa de estudos (Stipendium)
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Conclusão (Abschluss)
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Reitor (Rektor)
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Pátio de recreio (Pausenhof)
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Ano letivo (Schuljahr)
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Boletim escolar (Zeugnis)
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Biblioteca (Bibliothek)
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Pesquisa (Forschung)
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Projeto (Projekt)
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Oficina (Workshop)
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Discussão (Diskussion)
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Instituição de Ensino Superior (Hochschule)
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Palestra (Vorlesung)
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Colóquio (Kolloquium)
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Prova (Examen)
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Trabalho (Labor)
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Estágio (Praktikum)
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Taxa de matrícula (Studiengebühr)
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Refeitório escolar (Mensa)
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Férias (Ferien)
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