lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 41 - Sehenswürdigkeiten und Attraktionen
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Vocabulary of the day
Atração turística (Sehenswürdigkeit)
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Monumento (Denkmal)
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Museu (Museum)
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Castelo (Burg)
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Castelo (Schloss)
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Igreja (Kirche)
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Catedral (Kathedrale)
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Praça (Platz)
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Parque (Park)
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Ponte (Brücke)
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Casa de Ópera (Opernhaus)
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Torre (Turm)
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Jardim (Garten)
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Fortaleza (Festung)
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Palácio (Palast)
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Galeria (Galerie)
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Exposição (Ausstellung)
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Zoológico (Zoo)
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Aquário (Aquarium)
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Miradouro (Aussichtspunkt)
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Monumento (Denkmal)
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Edifício histórico (Historisches Gebäude)
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Muralha da cidade (Stadtmauer)
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Cidade Velha (Altstadt)
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Praça do Mercado (Marktplatz)
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Paço Municipal ou Prefeitura (Rathaus)
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Centro de Arte (Kunstzentrum)
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Teatro (Theater)
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Biblioteca (Bibliothek)
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Universidade (Universität)
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Jardim Botânico (Botanischer Garten)
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