lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 44 - Krankheiten und Leiden
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Vocabulary of the day
a saúde (die Gesundheit)
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doente (krank)
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a doença (die Krankheit)
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o resfriado (die Erkältung)
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a gripe (die Grippe)
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O resfriado (der Schnupfen)
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a febre (das Fieber)
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A tosse (der Husten)
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a alergia (die Allergie)
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a dor (der Schmerz)
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a dor de cabeça (die Kopfschmerzen)
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as dores de estômago (die Bauchschmerzen)
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a dor de garganta (die Halsschmerzen)
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Dor de dente (die Zahnschmerzen)
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A diarreia (der Durchfall)
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o enjoo (die Übelkeit)
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O vômito (das Erbrechen)
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o médico (der Arzt)
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a médica (die Ärztin)
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o hospital (das Krankenhaus)
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a farmácia (die Apotheke)
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o medicamento (das Medikament)
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o comprimido (die Tablette)
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a bandagem (der Verband)
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Band-aid (das Pflaster)
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a pomada (die Salbe)
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Queimadura solar (der Sonnenbrand)
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a lesão (die Verletzung)
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a hérnia (der Bruch)
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a ferida (die Wunde)
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a hemorragia (die Blutung)
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a infecção (die Infektion)
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a pressão arterial (der Blutdruck)
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o diabetes (der Diabetes)
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o cansaço (die Müdigkeit)
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o estresse (der Stress)
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a depressão (die Depression)
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o medo (die Angst)
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o tratamento (die Behandlung)
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a cura (die Heilung)
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o repouso (die Ruhe)
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repouso no leito (die Bettruhe)
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a receita (das Rezept)
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a vacina (der Impfstoff)
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a vacinação (die Impfung)
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a emergência (der Notfall)
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A ambulância (der Rettungswagen)
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o seguro (die Versicherung)
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