lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 47 - Übungen und Workouts
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Vocabulary of the day
Exercício (Übung)
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Treinamento (Training)
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Academia de ginástica (Fitnessstudio)
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Correr (Laufen)
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Corrida leve (Joggen)
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Natação (Schwimmen)
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Andar de bicicleta (Radfahren)
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Esporte (Sport)
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Aquecimento (Aufwärmen)
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Alongamento (Dehnen)
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Treinamento de força (Krafttraining)
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Resistência (Ausdauer)
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Saúde (Gesundheit)
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Músculo (Muskel)
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Peso (Gewicht)
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Halteres (Hantel)
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Pular corda (Seilspringen)
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Ioga (Yoga)
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Pilates (Pilates)
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Ginástica (Turnen)
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Dançar (Tanzen)
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Condição física (Kondition)
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Aeróbico (Aerobic)
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Relaxamento (Entspannung)
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Sessão de treinamento (Trainingseinheit)
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Treinador (Trainer)
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Atleta (Sportler)
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Plano de treino (Übungsplan)
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Repetição (Wiederholung)
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Série (Satz)
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Pausa (Pause)
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