lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 61 - Feiertage und Feierlichkeiten
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
Feriado (Feiertag)
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Festa (Fest)
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Aniversário (Geburtstag)
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Natal (Weihnachten)
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Páscoa (Ostern)
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Ano Novo (Neujahr)
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Réveillon de Ano Novo (Silvester)
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Carnaval (Karneval)
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Carnaval (Fasching)
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Dia dos Namorados (Valentinstag)
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Dia das Mães (Muttertag)
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Dia dos Pais (Vatertag)
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Dia do Trabalhador (Tag der Arbeit)
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Festa da Colheita (Erntedankfest)
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Dia das Bruxas (Halloween)
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Réveillon de Ano Novo (Sylvester)
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Dia Nacional (Nationalfeiertag)
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Aniversário (Jubiläum)
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Fogos de artifício (Feuerwerk)
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Presente (Geschenk)
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Convite (Einladung)
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Tradição (Tradition)
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Cultura (Kultur)
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Cerimônia (Zeremonie)
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Desfile (Parade)
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Dança (Tanz)
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Decoração (Dekoration)
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Família (Familie)
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Amigos (Freunde)
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Velas (Kerzen)
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Fantasia (Kostüm)
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Comemorações (Feiern)
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Felicitations (Glückwünsche)
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Cartão de cumprimentos (Grußkarte)
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Saudação festiva (Feiertagsgruß)
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Férias (Urlaub)
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Período de descanso (Ruhezeit)
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Estação do ano (Jahreszeit)
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