lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 64 - Geschäftsbegriffe
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
Empresa (Unternehmen)
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Negócio (Geschäft)
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Escritório (Büro)
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Contrato (Vertrag)
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Gerente (Manager)
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Empregado (Angestellter)
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Cliente (Kunde)
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Fornecedor (Lieferant)
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Produto (Produkt)
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Serviço (Dienstleistung)
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Venda (Verkauf)
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Marketing (Marketing)
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Publicidade (Werbung)
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Marca (Marke)
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Comércio (Handel)
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Importação (Import)
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Exportar (Export)
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Mercado (Markt)
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Estratégia (Strategie)
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Concorrência (Konkurrenz)
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Faturamento (Umsatz)
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Lucro (Gewinn)
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Prejuízo (Verlust)
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Contabilidade (Buchhaltung)
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Fatura (Rechnung)
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Imposto (Steuer)
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Investimento (Investition)
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A acionista (Aktionär)
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Sociedade Limitada (Ltda.) (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH))
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Sociedade Anônima (SA) (Aktiengesellschaft (AG))
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Reunião (Besprechung)
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Apresentação (Präsentation)
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Negociação (Verhandlung)
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Oferta (Angebot)
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Demanda (Nachfrage)
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Qualidade (Qualität)
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Preço (Preis)
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Desconto (Rabatt)
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Prazo de entrega (Lieferzeit)
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Condições de pagamento (Zahlungsbedingungen)
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Prazo (Frist)
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Rede (Netzwerk)
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Compra (Einkauf)
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Distribuição (Vertrieb)
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Pessoal (Personal)
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Gestão (Führung)
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Desenvolvimento (Entwicklung)
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Pesquisa (Forschung)
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Inovação (Innovation)
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