lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 69 - Finanzen und Bankwesen
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Vocabulary of the day
Banco (Bank)
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Conta (Konto)
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Dinheiro (Geld)
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Poupança (Sparen)
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transferir (überweisen)
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Sacar (Abheben)
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Depositar (Einzahlen)
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Juros (Zinsen)
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Conta corrente (Girokonto)
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Conta poupança (Sparkonto)
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Cartão de crédito (Kreditkarte)
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Cartão de débito (Debitkarte)
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Caixa eletrônico (Geldautomat)
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Crédito (Kredit)
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Empréstimo (Darlehen)
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Taxa de câmbio (Wechselkurs)
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Dívidas (Schulden)
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Balanço Patrimonial (Bilanz)
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Código bancário (Bankleitzahl)
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Número Internacional de Conta Bancária (IBAN)
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Código de Identificação Bancária (BIC)
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Saldo da conta (Kontostand)
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Descoberto (Überziehung)
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Patrimônio (Vermögen)
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Investimento (Anlage)
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Moeda (Währung)
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Consultor financeiro (Finanzberater)
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Contabilidade (Buchhaltung)
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Imposto (Steuer)
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Investimento (Investition)
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Títulos mobiliários (Wertpapiere)
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Ações (Aktien)
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Obrigações (Anleihen)
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Fundos (Fonds)
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Orçamento (Budget)
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Reservas (Rücklagen)
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