lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 70 - Rechtliche Begriffe
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
a lei (das Gesetz)
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o contrato (der Vertrag)
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o direito (das Recht)
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o advogado (der Anwalt)
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a advogada (die Anwältin)
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a ação judicial (die Klage)
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o juiz (der Richter)
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a juíza (die Richterin)
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o tribunal (das Gericht)
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o julgamento (die Verhandlung)
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a sentença (das Urteil)
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a pena (die Strafe)
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a responsabilidade (die Haft)
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a Constituição (die Verfassung)
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a justiça (die Gerechtigkeit)
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o depoimento de testemunha (die Zeugenaussage)
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a acusação (die Anklage)
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o crime (das Verbrechen)
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a suspeita (der Verdacht)
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a investigação (die Ermittlung)
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o demandante (der Kläger)
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a requerente (die Klägerin)
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o réu (der Beklagte)
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a Ré (die Beklagte)
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a defesa (die Verteidigung)
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a propriedade (das Eigentum)
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o furto (der Diebstahl)
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a infração (der Verstoß)
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a condicional (die Bewährung)
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a culpa (die Schuld)
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a inocência (die Unschuld)
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A situação probatória (die Beweislage)
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a ata (das Protokoll)
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a infração administrativa (die Ordnungswidrigkeit)
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a patente (das Patent)
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o direito autoral (das Urheberrecht)
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a procuração (die Vollmacht)
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a denúncia (die Anzeige)
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Medida liminar (die Einstweilige Verfügung)
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o recurso (die Berufung)
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Recurso de revisão (die Revision)
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o mandato (das Mandat)
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o direito de custódia (die Sorgerecht)
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Obrigação alimentar (die Unterhaltspflicht)
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a citação (die Zustellung)
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