lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 71 - Wissenschaftsbegriffe
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Vocabulary of the day
Ciência (Wissenschaft)
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Pesquisa (Forschung)
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Experimento (Experiment)
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Teoria (Theorie)
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Hipótese (Hypothese)
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Coleta de dados (Datenerhebung)
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Analisar (Analyse)
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Conclusão (Schlussfolgerung)
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Trabalho (Labor)
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Microscópio (Mikroskop)
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Telescópio (Teleskop)
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Observação (Beobachtung)
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Substância química (Chemikalie)
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Reação (Reaktion)
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Molécula (Molekül)
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Átomo (Atom)
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Elemento (Element)
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Ligação (Verbindung)
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Energia (Energie)
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Força (Kraft)
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Massa (Masse)
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Volume (Volumen)
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Densidade (Dichte)
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Temperatura (Temperatur)
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Pressão (Druck)
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Célula (Zelle)
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Gene (Gen)
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Evolução (Evolution)
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Ecossistema (Ökosystem)
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Biodiversidade (Artenvielfalt)
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Ciências Naturais (Naturwissenschaft)
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Física (Physik)
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Química (Chemie)
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Biologia (Biologie)
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Astronomia (Astronomie)
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Geologia (Geologie)
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Metal (Metall)
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Ácido (Säure)
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Base (Basis)
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valor de pH (pH-Wert)
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Fórmula (Formel)
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Medição (Messung)
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Unidade (Einheit)
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Grama (Gramm)
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Metro (Meter)
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Litro (Liter)
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Celsius (Celsius)
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Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit)
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Vácuo (Vakuum)
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Eletricidade (Elektrizität)
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Magnetismo (Magnetismus)
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Som (Schall)
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Luz (Licht)
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Comprimento de onda (Wellenlänge)
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Frequência (Frequenz)
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Galáxia (Galaxie)
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Planeta (Planet)
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Pôpa (Stern)
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Buraco Negro (Schwarzes Loch)
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Sustentabilidade (Nachhaltigkeit)
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Erosão (Erosion)
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Mudança climática (Klimawandel)
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Adaptação (Anpassung)
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Mutação (Mutation)
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Ácido ribonucleico (RNA)
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Proteína (Protein)
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Fóssil (Fossil)
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Catalisador (Katalysator)
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Circulação (Kreislauf)
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Metabolismo (Stoffwechsel)
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