lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 79 - Geographische Begriffe
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Vocabulary of the day
o mapa-múndi (die Weltkarte)
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o continente (der Kontinent)
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o país (das Land)
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a capital (die Hauptstadt)
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a cidade (die Stadt)
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a aldeia (das Dorf)
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a montanha (der Berg)
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O morro (der Hügel)
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o vale (das Tal)
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o rio (der Fluss)
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o lago (der See)
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o mar (das Meer)
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o oceano (der Ozean)
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a ilha (die Insel)
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a costa (die Küste)
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a praia (der Strand)
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o deserto (die Wüste)
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a floresta (der Wald)
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a árvore (der Baum)
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a selva (der Dschungel)
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a paisagem (die Landschaft)
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a Terra (die Erde)
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a natureza (die Natur)
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o parque nacional (der Nationalpark)
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a fronteira (die Grenze)
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a região (die Region)
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a área (das Gebiet)
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a província (die Provinz)
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O Estado (der Staat)
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a direção (die Richtung)
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o Norte (der Norden)
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o sul (der Süden)
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o Leste (der Osten)
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o Oeste (der Westen)
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o mapa (die Karte)
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a bússola (der Kompass)
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a Geografia (die Geographie)
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a população (die Bevölkerung)
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o clima (das Klima)
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o fuso horário (die Zeitzone)
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a altitude (die Höhe)
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a latitude (die Breitengrad)
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a longitude (der Längengrad)
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a topografia (die Topographie)
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a vegetação (die Vegetation)
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a fauna (die Fauna)
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a flora (die Flora)
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