lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 8 - Familienmitglieder
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Vocabulary of the day
a família (die Familie)
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a mãe (die Mutter)
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o pai (der Vater)
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os pais (die Eltern)
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o filho (der Sohn)
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a filha (die Tochter)
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as crianças (die Kinder)
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o irmão (der Bruder)
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a irmã (die Schwester)
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os irmãos (die Geschwister)
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a avó (die Großmutter)
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o avô (der Großvater)
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os avós (die Großeltern)
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o neto (der Enkel)
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a neta (die Enkelin)
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Os netos (die Enkelkinder)
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o tio (der Onkel)
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a tia (die Tante)
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o sobrinho (der Neffe)
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a sobrinha (die Nichte)
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o primo (der Cousin)
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a prima (die Cousine)
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O cunhado (der Schwager)
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a cunhada (die Schwägerin)
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o sogro (der Schwiegervater)
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a sogra (die Schwiegermutter)
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O genro (der Schwiegersohn)
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a nora (die Schwiegertochter)
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a madrasta (die Stiefmutter)
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O padrasto (der Stiefvater)
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o enteado (der Stiefsohn)
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a enteada (die Stieftochter)
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o meio-irmão (der Stiefbruder)
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a madrasta (die Stiefschwester)
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a meia-irmã (die Halbschwester)
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O meio-irmão (der Halbbruder)
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o bebê (das Baby)
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a criança (das Kind)
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os gêmeos (die Zwillinge)
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