lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 81 - Umwelt und Ökologie
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Vocabulary of the day
o meio ambiente (die Umwelt)
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a ecologia (die Ökologie)
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a proteção ambiental (der Umweltschutz)
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a poluição ambiental (die Umweltverschmutzung)
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a sustentabilidade (die Nachhaltigkeit)
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reciclar (recyceln)
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o aquecimento global (die Erderwärmung)
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a mudança climática (der Klimawandel)
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a energia renovável (die erneuerbare Energie)
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o sistema solar (die Solaranlage)
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a energia eólica (die Windkraft)
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a energia hidráulica (die Wasserkraft)
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Os biocombustíveis (die Biokraftstoffe)
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o ecossistema (die Ökosystem)
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a biodiversidade (die Biodiversität)
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a fauna (die Tierwelt)
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a flora (die Pflanzenwelt)
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a proteção da natureza (der Naturschutz)
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os recursos (die Ressourcen)
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Gestão de resíduos (die Abfallwirtschaft)
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o efeito estufa (der Treibhauseffekt)
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a poluição do ar (die Luftverschmutzung)
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poluição sonora (die Lärmverschmutzung)
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a reserva natural (das Naturschutzgebiet)
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a emissão (der Ausstoß)
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as emissões (die Emissionen)
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a pegada ecológica (der ökologische Fußabdruck)
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a reciclagem (die Wiederverwertung)
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a separação do lixo (die Mülltrennung)
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o composto (der Kompost)
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a consciência ambiental (die Umweltbewusstsein)
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a flora e a fauna (die Flora und Fauna)
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Tecnologia Verde (die Grüne Technologie)
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o lixo orgânico (der Biomüll)
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a inundação (die Überschwemmung)
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a seca (die Dürre)
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a proteção das espécies (der Artenschutz)
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a poluição (die Verschmutzung)
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a reciclagem (das Recycling)
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a floresta tropical (die Tropenwald)
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a sobrepesca (die Überfischung)
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a lâmpada economizadora de energia (die Energiesparlampe)
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