lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 83 - Naturkatastrophen
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Vocabulary of the day
Desastres naturais (Naturkatastrophen)
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Terremoto (Erdbeben)
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Inundações (Hochwasser)
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Inundação (Überschwemmung)
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Tsunami (Tsunami)
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Tempestade (Sturm)
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Furacão (Hurrikan)
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Tornado (Tornado)
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Seca (Dürre)
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Onda de calor (Hitzewelle)
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Incêndio florestal (Waldbrand)
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Avalanche (Lawine)
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Deslizamento de terra (Erdrutsch)
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Erupção vulcânica (Vulkanausbruch)
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Relâmpago (Blitz)
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Relâmpago (Donner)
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Granizo (Hagel)
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Tempestade de neve (Schneesturm)
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Onda de frio (Kältewelle)
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Tempestade de areia (Sandsturm)
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