lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 84 - Transport und Reisen
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
Carro (Auto)
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Ônibus (Bus)
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Trem (Zug)
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Avião (Flugzeug)
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Bicicleta (Fahrrad)
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Táxi (Taxi)
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Metrô (U-Bahn)
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Bonde (Straßenbahn)
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Aeroporto (Flughafen)
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Estação ferroviária (Bahnhof)
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Ponto de parada (Haltestelle)
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Bilhete (Ticket)
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Viagem (Reise)
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Passagem (Fahrkarte)
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Horário (Fahrplan)
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Partida (Abfahrt)
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Chegada (Ankunft)
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Bagagem (Gepäck)
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Mala (Koffer)
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Mochila (Rucksack)
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Passaporte (Pass)
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Visto (Visum)
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Carteira de motorista (Führerschein)
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Engarrafamento (Stau)
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Direções (Wegbeschreibung)
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Mapa (Landkarte)
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Passaporte (Reisepass)
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Alfândega (Zoll)
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Turista (Tourist)
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Assento (Sitzplatz)
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Cartão de embarque (Bordkarte)
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Embarcar (Einsteigen)
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Descer (Aussteigen)
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Fazer baldeação (Umsteigen)
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Atraso (Verspätung)
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