lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 87 - Unterhaltungsformen
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Vocabulary of the day
o cinema (das Kino)
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o filme (der Film)
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o ator (der Schauspieler)
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a atriz (die Schauspielerin)
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o diretor (der Regisseur)
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a tela (die Leinwand)
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o assento (der Sitzplatz)
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a apresentação (die Vorstellung)
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O trailer (der Trailer)
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a comédia (die Komödie)
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o drama (das Drama)
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o suspense (der Thriller)
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filme de ação (der Actionfilm)
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o romance (die Romanze)
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o teatro (das Theater)
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a peça (das Stück)
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o palco (die Bühne)
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a apresentação (die Aufführung)
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o público (das Publikum)
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o espectador (der Zuschauer)
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a espectadora (die Zuschauerin)
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o musical (das Musical)
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a ópera (die Oper)
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o balé (das Ballett)
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O concerto (das Konzert)
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a banda (die Band)
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a música (die Musik)
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o cantor (der Sänger)
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a cantora (die Sängerin)
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o festival (das Festival)
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o entretenimento (die Unterhaltung)
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a diversão (der Spaß)
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o tempo livre (die Freizeit)
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