lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 88 - Arten von Gebäuden und Wohnungen
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Vocabulary of the day
o edifício (das Gebäude)
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a casa (das Haus)
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o apartamento (die Wohnung)
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A casa unifamiliar (das Einfamilienhaus)
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O prédio de apartamentos (das Mehrfamilienhaus)
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a mansão (die Villa)
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Casa geminada (das Reihenhaus)
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O arranha-céu (das Hochhaus)
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arranha-céu (der Wolkenkratzer)
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O edifício de escritórios (das Bürogebäude)
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o castelo (das Schloss)
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a cabana (die Hütte)
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o bangalô (der Bungalow)
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A casa de fazenda (das Bauernhaus)
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o apartamento próprio (die Eigentumswohnung)
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o bloco residencial (der Wohnblock)
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o assentamento (die Siedlung)
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A residência estudantil (das Studentenwohnheim)
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a casa de hóspedes (das Gästehaus)
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o hotel (das Hotel)
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o albergue da juventude (die Jugendherberge)
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a igreja (die Kirche)
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a mesquita (die Moschee)
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a sinagoga (die Synagoge)
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a prefeitura (das Rathaus)
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o museu (das Museum)
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a biblioteca (die Bibliothek)
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a escola (die Schule)
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a universidade (die Universität)
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o hospital (das Krankenhaus)
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