lerne Portugiesisch in
90 tagen
Tag 90 - Grundlegende rechtliche und staatliche Begriffe
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Vocabulary of the day
tribunal (Gericht)
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Lei (Gesetz)
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eleição (Wahl)
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Governo (Regierung)
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Contrato (Vertrag)
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Legislação (Gesetzgebung)
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Direito (Recht)
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Constituição (Verfassung)
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Democracia (Demokratie)
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Estado (Staat)
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votação (Abstimmung)
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Código Legal (Gesetzbuch)
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Cidadão (Bürger)
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Justiça (Justiz)
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Parlamento (Parlament)
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Senado (Senat)
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Câmara Municipal (Stadtrat)
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autoridade (Behörde)
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Imposto (Steuer)
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Prefeito (Bürgermeister)
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Chanceler (Kanzler)
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Partido (Partei)
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Ação judicial (Klage)
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juiz (Richter)
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Advogado (Anwalt)
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Perseguição penal (Strafverfolgung)
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decreto (Verordnung)
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Mandado (Mandat)
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Diplomacia (Diplomatie)
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Cargo (Amt)
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Estado federado (Bundesland)
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município (Gemeinde)
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Política (Politik)
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Eleitor (Wähler)
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Candidato (Kandidat)
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Bancada (Fraktion)
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Imunidade (Immunität)
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Legislatura (Legislatur)
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Executivo (Exekutive)
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Judiciário (Judikative)
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Constituição (Grundgesetz)
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funcionário público (Beamter)
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Visto (Visum)
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Aprovação (Pass)
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Cartão de Identidade (Identitätskarte)
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Jurisprudência (Rechtsprechung)
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Sanção (Sanktion)
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Embargo (Embargo)
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Audiência (Verhandlung)
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Condenação (Verurteilung)
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Absolvição (Freispruch)
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multa (Strafe)
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Projeto de lei (Gesetzentwurf)
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Tribunal Constitucional (Verfassungsgericht)
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Câmara dos Deputados (Bundestag)
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Conselho Federal (Bundesrat)
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