lerne Spanisch in
90 tagen
Tag 38 - Schule und Bildung
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Vocabulary of the day
Escuela (Schule)
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Educación (Bildung)
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Profesor (Lehrer)
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Alumno (Schüler)
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Clase (Klasse)
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Aula (Klassenzimmer)
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Tareas escolares (Hausaufgaben)
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Estudiar (Studieren)
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Aprender (Lernen)
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Clases (Unterricht)
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Lápiz (Stift)
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Libro (Buch)
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Cuaderno (Heft)
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Pizarra (Tafel)
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Escritorio (Schreibtisch)
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Examen (Prüfung)
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Nota (Note)
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Pausa (Pause)
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materia (Fach)
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Universidad (Universität)
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Bachillerato (Abitur)
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Instituto de educación secundaria (Gymnasium)
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Escuela primaria (Grundschule)
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Estudios (Studium)
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Plan de estudios (Lehrplan)
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Libro de texto (Schulbuch)
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Mochila (Rucksack)
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autobús escolar (Schulbus)
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Material didáctico (Lehrmaterial)
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Curso (Kurs)
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Conferencia (Vortrag)
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Seminario (Seminar)
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Profesor (Dozent)
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Beca (Stipendium)
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Título académico (Abschluss)
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Director (Rektor)
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patio de recreo (Pausenhof)
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año escolar (Schuljahr)
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Certificado escolar (Zeugnis)
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Biblioteca (Bibliothek)
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Investigación (Forschung)
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Proyecto (Projekt)
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Taller (Workshop)
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Discusión (Diskussion)
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Universidad (Hochschule)
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Conferencia (Vorlesung)
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Coloquio (Kolloquium)
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Examen (Examen)
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Trabajo (Labor)
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Prácticas (Praktikum)
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Matrícula (Studiengebühr)
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comedor escolar (Mensa)
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Vacaciones (Ferien)
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