lerne Spanisch in
90 tagen
Tag 39 - Büro- und Schreibwaren
Alle Tage Anzeigen
Vocabulary of the day
el escritorio (der Schreibtisch)
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la silla (der Stuhl)
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el ordenador (der Computer)
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la pantalla (der Bildschirm)
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el teclado (die Tastatur)
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el ratón (die Maus)
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la impresora (der Drucker)
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el papel (das Papier)
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el lápiz (der Bleistift)
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el bolígrafo (der Kugelschreiber)
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la goma de borrar (der Radiergummi)
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el sacapuntas (der Spitzer)
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el marcador (der Marker)
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El rotulador (der Textmarker)
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el cuaderno (das Notizbuch)
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la carpeta (der Ordner)
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el expediente (die Akte)
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el clip (die Büroklammer)
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La grapadora (der Tacker)
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la cinta adhesiva (das Klebeband)
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las tijeras (die Schere)
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el sello postal (die Briefmarke)
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el sobre (der Umschlag)
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el teléfono (das Telefon)
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el calendario (der Kalender)
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el tablón de anuncios (die Pinnwand)
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la grapadora (die Heftmaschine)
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la calculadora (der Taschenrechner)
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Perforadora (die Lochzange)
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la pizarra blanca (das Whiteboard)
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el proyector (der Projektor)
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la pizarra de papel (das Flipchart)
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la tarjeta de visita (die Visitenkarte)
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abrecartas (der Brieföffner)
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el bloc de notas (der Schreibblock)
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la balanza para cartas (die Briefwaage)
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el fax (das Faxgerät)
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