lerne Spanisch in
90 tagen
Tag 49 - Psychischen Gesundheit
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Vocabulary of the day
la salud (die Gesundheit)
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la salud mental (die psychische Gesundheit)
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la salud mental (die mentale Gesundheit)
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el estrés (der Stress)
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la ansiedad (die Angst)
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la depresión (die Depression)
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las fluctuaciones del estado de ánimo (die Stimmungsschwankungen)
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la terapia (die Therapie)
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el terapeuta (der Therapeut)
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la terapeuta (die Therapeutin)
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la consulta (die Beratung)
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el autocuidado (die Selbstfürsorge)
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el bienestar (das Wohlbefinden)
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la atención plena (die Achtsamkeit)
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la relajación (die Entspannung)
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la meditación (die Meditation)
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la resiliencia (die Resilienz)
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el síndrome de burnout (das Burnout)
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el sueño (der Schlaf)
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la calma (die Ruhe)
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las emociones (die Emotionen)
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la sensación (das Gefühl)
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la superación (die Bewältigung)
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la pena (der Kummer)
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la preocupación (die Sorge)
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el ataque de pánico (die Panikattacke)
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la psicoterapia (die Psychotherapie)
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la psiquiatría (die Psychiatrie)
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el psiquiatra (der Psychiater)
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la psiquiatra (die Psychiaterin)
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la calidad de vida (die Lebensqualität)
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el grupo de autoayuda (die Selbsthilfegruppe)
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la adicción (die Sucht)
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la recuperación (die Erholung)
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la curación (die Heilung)
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el trauma (das Trauma)
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la crisis (die Krise)
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el autoestima (die Selbstachtung)
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la autoconfianza (das Selbstvertrauen)
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la auto-percepción (die Selbstwahrnehmung)
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el apoyo (die Unterstützung)
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la autoestima (der Selbstwert)
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la autoestima (das Selbstbewusstsein)
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