lerne Spanisch in
90 tagen
Tag 54 - Kräuter und Gewürze
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Vocabulary of the day
Hierbas (Kräuter)
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Especias (Gewürze)
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Albahaca (Basilikum)
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Perejil (Petersilie)
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Cebollino (Schnittlauch)
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Eneldo (Dill)
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Tomillo (Thymian)
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Romero (Rosmarin)
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Orégano (Oregano)
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Mejorana (Majoran)
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Hojas de laurel (Lorbeerblätter)
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Nuez moscada (Muskatnuss)
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Comino (Kümmel)
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Cilantro (Koriander)
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Pimentón (Paprika)
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Polvo de curry (Currypulver)
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Azafrán (Safran)
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Canela (Zimt)
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Anís estrellado (Sternanis)
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Vainilla (Vanille)
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Jengibre (Ingwer)
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Cardamomo (Kardamom)
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Pimienta (Pfeffer)
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pimentón picante (Chilipulver)
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Ajo en polvo (Knoblauchpulver)
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Hierba de limón (Zitronengras)
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Cúrcuma (Kurkuma)
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Semillas de hinojo (Fenchelsamen)
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Semillas de mostaza (Senfsamen)
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Anís (Anis)
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