lerne Spanisch in
90 tagen
Tag 56 - Restaurantphrasen
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Vocabulary of the day
Restaurante (Restaurant)
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Menú (Menü)
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Carta del menú (Speisekarte)
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Pedido (Bestellung)
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Camarero/Camarera (Kellner/Kellnerin)
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propina (Trinkgeld)
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Cuenta (Rechnung)
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Mesa (Tisch)
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Reservación (Reservierung)
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Entrante (Vorspeise)
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Plato principal (Hauptspeise)
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Postre (Nachspeise)
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Bebidas (Getränke)
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Agua (Wasser)
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Vino (Wein)
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Cerveza (Bier)
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Zumo (Saft)
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Café (Kaffee)
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Té (Tee)
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Sopa (Suppe)
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Ensalada (Salat)
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Carne (Fleisch)
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Pescado (Fisch)
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Vegetariano (Vegetarisch)
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guarnición (Beilage)
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tenedor (Gabel)
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Cuchillo (Messer)
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Cuchara (Löffel)
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plato (Teller)
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Vaso (Glas)
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Servilleta (Serviette)
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Por favor (Bitte)
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Gracias (Danke)
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Perdón (Entschuldigung)
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Me gustaría... (Ich hätte gerne...)
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¿Podría yo por favor...? (Könnte ich bitte...)
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¿Qué recomienda usted? (Was empfehlen Sie?)
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Soy alérgico a... (Ich bin allergisch gegen...)
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¿Es esto libre de gluten? (Ist das glutenfrei?)
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La cuenta, por favor. (Die Rechnung, bitte.)
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¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? (Kann ich mit Karte zahlen?)
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Para llevar, por favor. (Zum Mitnehmen, bitte.)
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