lerne Spanisch in
90 tagen
Tag 69 - Finanzen und Bankwesen
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Vocabulary of the day
Banco (Bank)
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Cuenta (Konto)
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Dinero (Geld)
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Ahorrar (Sparen)
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transferir (überweisen)
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Retirar (Abheben)
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Ingresar (Einzahlen)
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Intereses (Zinsen)
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Cuenta corriente (Girokonto)
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Cuenta de ahorros (Sparkonto)
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Tarjeta de crédito (Kreditkarte)
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Tarjeta de débito (Debitkarte)
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Cajero automático (Geldautomat)
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Crédito (Kredit)
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Préstamo (Darlehen)
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Tipo de cambio (Wechselkurs)
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Deudas (Schulden)
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Balance general (Bilanz)
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Código de identificación bancaria (Bankleitzahl)
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Número de Cuenta Bancaria Internacional (IBAN)
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Código BIC (BIC)
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Saldo de la cuenta (Kontostand)
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Descubierto (Überziehung)
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Patrimonio (Vermögen)
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Inversión (Anlage)
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Moneda (Währung)
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Asesor financiero (Finanzberater)
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Contabilidad (Buchhaltung)
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impuesto (Steuer)
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Inversión (Investition)
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Valores (Wertpapiere)
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acciones (Aktien)
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Bonos (Anleihen)
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fondos (Fonds)
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Presupuesto (Budget)
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reservas (Rücklagen)
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