lerne Spanisch in
90 tagen
Tag 82 - Weltraum und Astronomie
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Vocabulary of the day
el universo (das Weltall)
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la estrella (der Stern)
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el Sol (die Sonne)
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la Luna (der Mond)
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la Tierra (die Erde)
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el planeta (der Planet)
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la galaxia (die Galaxie)
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el sistema solar (das Sonnensystem)
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el asteroide (der Asteroid)
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el meteoro (der Meteor)
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el cometa (der Komet)
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el telescopio (das Teleskop)
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el universo (das Universum)
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la estación espacial (die Raumstation)
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el astronauta (der Astronaut)
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la gravedad (die Schwerkraft)
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la órbita (die Umlaufbahn)
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la astronáutica (die Raumfahrt)
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el agujero negro (das Schwarze Loch)
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la estrella fugaz (die Sternschnuppe)
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La Vía Láctea (die Milchstraße)
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el cohete (die Rakete)
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año luz (das Lichtjahr)
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el satélite (der Satellit)
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El eclipse solar (die Sonnenfinsternis)
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el eclipse lunar (die Mondfinsternis)
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la atmósfera (die Atmosphäre)
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la constelación (die Konstellation)
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la astronomía (die Astronomie)
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el espacio exterior (der Weltraum)
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