Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 44 - Malattie e Malanni
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
malaltia (malattia)
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refredat (raffreddore)
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febre (febbre)
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al·lèrgia (allergia)
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mal de cap (mal di testa)
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tossina (tosse)
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esternut (starnuto)
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grip (influenza)
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infecció (infezione)
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dolor (dolore)
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nàusees (nausea)
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vòmit (vomito)
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diarrea (diarrea)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
al·lèrgia (allergia)
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asma (asma)
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cremor de stomac (bruciore di stomaco)
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càlcul (crampo)
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fatiga (affaticamento)
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febre alta (febbre alta)
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inflor (gonfiore)
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erupció cutània (eruzione cutanea)
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tall (taglio)
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cremada (ustione)
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fractura (frattura)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
dolor agut (dolore acuto)
Your browser does not support the audio element.
mal de coll (mal di gola)
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congestió nasal (congestione nasale)
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vèrtigs (vertigini)
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hemorràgia (emorragia)
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inflamació (infiammazione)
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luxació (lussazione)
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torçada (distorsione)
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contusió (contusione)
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indigestió (indigestione)
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migranya (emicrania)
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insomni (insonnia)
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càries (carie)
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apendicitis (appendicite)
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hipertensió (ipertensione)
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diabetis (diabete)
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