Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 68 - Marketing e Pubblicità
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
Màrqueting (Marketing)
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Publicitat (Pubblicità)
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Marca (Marchio)
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Objectiu (Target)
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Client (Cliente)
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Estratègia (Strategia)
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Campanya (Campagna)
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Anunci (Annuncio)
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Promoció (Promozione)
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Producte (Prodotto)
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Servei (Servizio)
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Marca (Brand)
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Mercat (Mercato)
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Competència (Concorrenza)
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venda (Vendita)
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Consumidor (Consumatore)
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Públic (Pubblico)
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Anunci (Inserzione)
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Eslògan (Slogan)
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logotip (logotipo)
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Cartelleria (Affissione)
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Patrocini (Sponsorizzazione)
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Mitjans socials (Social Media)
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Viralitat (Viralità)
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Compromís (Engagement)
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Influenciador (Influencer)
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Optimització per a motors de cerca (SEO (Search Engine Optimization))
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Anàlisi de mercat (Analisi di mercato)
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Segmentació (Segmentazione)
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Posicionament (Posizionamento)
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Canal de distribució (Canale di distribuzione)
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Preu (Prezzo)
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Retroalimentació (Feedback)
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Fidelització (Fidelizzazione)
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Demogràfic (Demografico)
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Nínxol (Nicchia)
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Avaluació comparativa (Benchmarking)
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Pluja d'idees (Brainstorming)
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Redacció publicitària (Copywriting)
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Retorn de la inversió (ROI (Return on Investment))
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