Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 69 - Finanza e Banca
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
banca (banca)
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compte bancari (conto bancario)
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caixer automàtic (bancomat)
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préstec (prestito)
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interès (interesse)
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inversió (investimento)
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estalvi (risparmio)
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deute (debito)
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crèdit (credito)
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divisa (valuta)
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tipus de canvi (tasso di cambio)
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xec (assegno)
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balanç (bilancio)
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moviments (movimenti)
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extracte de compte (estratto conto)
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ingrés (versamento)
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extracció (prelievo)
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finances (finanza)
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economia (economia)
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fons (fondi)
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borsa de valors (borsa valori)
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acció (azione)
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obligació (obbligazione)
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targeta de crèdit (carta di credito)
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targeta de dèbit (carta di debito)
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tipus d'interès (tasso di interesse)
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pagament (pagamento)
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transferència bancària (bonifico)
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saldo (saldo)
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transacció (transazione)
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cartera (portafoglio)
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impost (imposta)
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impostos (tasse)
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declaració fiscal (dichiarazione fiscale)
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factura (fattura)
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reemborsament (rimborso)
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hipoteca (ipoteca)
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assegurança (assicurazione)
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préstec (mutuo)
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