Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 81 - Ambiente ed Ecologia
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
medi ambient (ambiente)
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ecologia (ecologia)
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contaminació (inquinamento)
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reciclatge (riciclaggio)
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sostenibilitat (sostenibilità)
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natura (natura)
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planeta (pianeta)
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energia renovable (energia rinnovabile)
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protecció (protezione)
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conservació (conservazione)
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biodiversitat (biodiversità)
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residus (rifiuti)
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desforestació (deforestazione)
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recursos naturals (risorse naturali)
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ecosistema (ecosistema)
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desenvolupament sostenible (sviluppo sostenibile)
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reciclatge (riciclo)
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emissions (emissioni)
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efecte hivernacle (effetto serra)
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canvi climàtic (cambiamento climatico)
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biodegradable (biodegradabile)
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energia solar (energia solare)
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energia eòlica (energia eolica)
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aigua potable (acqua potabile)
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terra (terra)
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àrea (aria)
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fauna (fauna)
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flora (flora)
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contaminació (contaminazione)
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sensibilització (sensibilizzazione)
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empremta ecològica (impronta ecologica)
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