Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 22 - Routine Quotidiane
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
at vågne op (svegliarsi)
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stå op (alzarsi)
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spise morgenmad (fare colazione)
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klæde sig på (vestirsi)
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vaske sig (lavarsi)
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børste (spazzolare)
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gå på arbejde (andare al lavoro)
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arbejde (lavorare)
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Frokost (pranzare)
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hvile (riposare)
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komme hjem (tornare a casa)
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lave mad (cucinare)
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spise aftensmad (cenare)
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se fjernsyn (guardare la televisione)
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læse (leggere)
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studere (studiare)
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træne (allenarsi)
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tage et brusebad (fare la doccia)
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Børste tænder (lavarsi i denti)
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gå i seng (andare a letto)
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sove (dormire)
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