Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 39 - Ufficio e Cartoleria
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
kontoret (l'ufficio)
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Skrivebord (la scrivania)
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stolen (la sedia)
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computeren (il computer)
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printeren (la stampante)
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telefonen (il telefono)
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Pennen (la penna)
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blyanten (la matita)
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Lineal (il righello)
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saksen (le forbici)
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Mappen (la cartella)
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Notesbogen (il quaderno)
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Papirarket (il foglio di carta)
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Notesblok (il blocco note)
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lommeregner (la calcolatrice)
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kalenderen (il calendario)
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bindersnor (la clip)
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markøren (l'evidenziatore)
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Elastikken (l'elastico)
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Klæbebånd (il nastro adesivo)
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Hæfteklamme (la graffetta)
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Hulmaskine (il perforatore)
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Makulator (il distruggidocumenti)
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Stempel (il timbro)
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Kalender (l'agenda)
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Selveklæbende seddel (il post-it)
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Korrekturlak (il correttore)
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kridt (il gesso)
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tavlen (la lavagna)
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projektoren (il proiettore)
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