Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 41 - Punti di Riferimento e Attrazioni
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
monument (monumento)
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seværdighed (attrazione)
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torv (piazza)
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springvand (fontana)
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museum (museo)
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galleri (galleria)
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kirke (chiesa)
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domkirke (cattedrale)
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basilika (basilica)
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Palads (palazzo)
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slot (castello)
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tårn (torre)
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statue (statua)
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teater (teatro)
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operaen (opera)
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park (parco)
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have (giardino)
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villa (villa)
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arkæologisk sted (sito archeologico)
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ruiner (rovine)
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bro (ponte)
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kanal (canale)
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ø (isola)
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bjerg (montagna)
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vulkan (vulcano)
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kyst (costa)
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strand (spiaggia)
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sø (lago)
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flod (fiume)
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turistguide (guida turistica)
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billet (biglietto)
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åbningstider (orario di apertura)
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Gratis adgang (ingresso gratuito)
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lydguide (audioguida)
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udflugt (escursione)
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guidet tur (tour guidato)
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souvenir (souvenir)
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panorama (panorama)
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verdensarv (patrimonio dell'umanità)
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