Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 45 - Professioni Mediche
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
læge (medico)
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sygeplejerske (infermiere)
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apoteker (farmacista)
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tandlæge (dentista)
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kirurg (chirurgo)
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børnelæge (pediatra)
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jordemoder (ostetrica)
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neurolog (neurologo)
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kardiolog (cardiologo)
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Hudlæge (dermatologo)
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gynækolog (ginecologo)
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ortopædkirurg (ortopedico)
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psykiater (psichiatra)
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Radiolog (radiologo)
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narkoselæge (anestesista)
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øjenlæge (oculista)
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Øre-næse-halslæge (otorinolaringoiatra)
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patolog (patologo)
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immunolog (immunologo)
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endokrinolog (endocrinologo)
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ambulance (ambulanza)
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skadestue (pronto soccorso)
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Recept (ricetta medica)
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vaccination (vaccinazione)
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Lægebesøg (visita medica)
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diagnose (diagnosi)
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behandling (trattamento)
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symptom (sintomo)
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blodprøve (analisi del sangue)
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blodtryk (pressione sanguigna)
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