Impara in 90 giorni
90 giorni
Giorno 62 - Musica e Arte
Annunci ogni giorno
Vocabolario del giorno
musik (musica)
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kunst (arte)
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maleri (pittura)
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skulptur (scultura)
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Dans (danza)
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teater (teatro)
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opera (opera)
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sang (canzone)
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melodi (melodia)
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musikinstrument (strumento musicale)
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guitar (chitarra)
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Klaver (pianoforte)
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violin (violino)
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musiknoter (note musicali)
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koncert (concerto)
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symfoni (sinfonia)
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billede (quadro)
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Kunstgalleri (galleria d'arte)
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kunstmuseum (museo)
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kunstmaler (pittore)
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billedhugger (scultore)
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Balletdanser (ballerino)
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balletdanserinde (ballerina)
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skuespiller (attore)
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skuespillerinde (attrice)
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forestilling (spettacolo)
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maleri (dipinto)
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Komponist (compositore)
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Orkesterdirigent (direttore d'orchestra)
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sopran (soprano)
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tenor (tenore)
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bas (basso)
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baryton (baritono)
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kor (coro)
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harmoni (armonia)
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rytme (ritmo)
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musikgenre (genere musicale)
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fotografi (fotografia)
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installation (installazione)
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optræden (performance)
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Samtidskunst (arte contemporanea)
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moderne kunst (arte moderna)
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gammel kunst (arte antica)
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renæssancekunst (arte rinascimentale)
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Kunstværk (opera d'arte)
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